Here's a winner. This was the biggest pile of horeshit with some truth sprinkled in here and there. Some people do lift weights to get big. Apparently, doing kettlebell swings for volume also causes you to fill with cortisol, and is bad for your joints.
Among other useful gems, this guy says one cannot deadlift the day after you swing kettlebells for ten minutes. And one of the best things about the article is that strength only involves a maximum effort, compounded exercise. At least that is the implication.
What a crock of shit. |
So Valery Fedorenko isn't strong. Poor guy. Or any other kettlebell athlete, not strong.
Bud Jeffries isn't strong either. By the way, Bud can squat 900lbs, and regularly does high endurance conditioning with max lifts thrown in between. I also swing regularly and deadlift. Occasionally, I have done both in the same day.
What can we take away from the article? That if your goal is to get big, you probably shouldn't do much conditioning stuff. You should still do enough so that you aren't wheezing when you do a max lift, or walk up the stairs. It is also true that you cannot out train a shitty diet.
Your training should focus on your goals. If your goal is to get conditioned, do conditioning work. You should also listen to your body, by testing your movements. And of course, it would be foolish to start throwing in massive amounts of volume training on a whim. But if tons of seasoned lifters--like the Bulgarians--can do what they do, then anyone can do seemingly insane things with their training. You have to build into it. Yes you will be sore at first. Then you won't. I rarely get sore these days and I do lots of swings and deadlifts. Now, of course, in light of my goals the goal lifts are of primary importance--meaning I will always test something that will benefit my deadlift, squat, and bench. And then I do whatever the hell I want. Usually it might be something that will still help my lifts--rows, pullups, swings, snatches.
The take home point of what I am saying is that you can do whatever the fuck you want, as long as its goal oriented and good for you. Don't rely on someone else to tell you what to do, think and test for yourself. favorite idiot is Mike Boyle...the guy who said that squats are the worst exercise in the world: