22 February 2011

Do you feel like a wrecked bag of shit?

Was your workout so brutal, bro, that you can't move your arms to masturbate?  Was your leg day so INTENSE that you don't even wanna bother fucking your girlfriend or boyfriend because hip extensions hurt your quads? Cool story, bro. 

Today I overheard male gymrats talking about how intense their workouts were and how they were so sore from them and so tight and everything.  This doesn't sound productive.  Humans should be able to move freely after they train, just as they did before hand. 

If you don't test your movements, I will show you how you can do this to make smarter choices in a follow up post to this.  But until then, if you think testing sounds like a crock of shit (and if you have not tried it, it does) there are some things you can do to make life easier for you and make faster progress.

Testing sounds akin to homer rubbing food on a surface to see if it will make him fat or not.  Like in cartoon land, testing movements in real life works. 

1. Stop doing shit with your face.  Any tension that you do apply can get redirected and misplaced if you make a shit face. 
2. Don't use excessive tension. Train to lift the weight, not to always stay tight. 
3. Stop when it gets too hard.  Make your movements look easy. 
4. Start feeling better.

Up next, a video on how to do this. 

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