Presses: 40kg- 2 singles L/R
8 sets of 3 L/R 1x4 L/R 1x3 L/R
4692lbs of weight pressed in 19m15s
Swings: 24kg 414reps= 21942lbs moved in 39m15s
26634lbs moved in 58m30s
4 Nov.
Presses: 32kg- Left hand-4x4,4x3,4,3,2,2x3 Right hand-2x4,3,2x4,2,2x3,4,3,3x3= 6020lbs moved in 18m30s
Snatch: 16kg kettlebell 6x10 L/R, in 13 minutes 4200lbs moved
Long Cycle Clean and Jerk with a pair of 50lb kettlebells 5x5 in 18m30s 2500lbs moved
12720lbs moved in 50 minutes
7 Nov.
Presses: 40kg Left hand-ten singles Right hand-eleven singles.1848lbs moved in 17m15s
Swings: 32kg 200 reps in 15m20s 14000lbs moved
LCCJ: pair of 50's. 8,6,6,6,6 in 11m
19048lbs moved in 43m35s
8 Nov.
Deadlifts, conventional.225lbs-6, 275-3,315-2 singles, 335-2 singles, 385-1, and a pr for my conventional DL. moved 4590 lbs in 18m30s
9 Nov.
Presses: 40kg Left hand-1,2,1,1 Right hand-1,2,1,1
32kg Left hand-4,4,4,4,3,4,3,4,4,4,4 Right hand-4,4,4,4,3,4,3,4,4,4,4 6760lbs moved in 19 minutes
Snatch 24kg Left hand, 150, Right hand 150 all in sets of ten. 15900 in 37m
22670lbs moved in 56m
10 Nov.
Deadlifts, conventional
4270lbs moved in 24 minutes. My last max DL attempt in general was 405lbs sumo, so this is an overall PR.
11 Nov.
Presses: 32kg Left hand-5,3,4,4,3,4,3,4,3,3,4,3 Right hand- 5,3,4,4,3,4,3,4,3,3,4,3 6020lbs moved in 17m15s
LCCJ: Pair of 32kg bells- 4,3,3,3,3 2240lbs moved in 8m56s
Snatch: 32kg 5 sets of 5L/5R for 3500lbs moved in 10m12s
24kg 2 sets of 10L/10R and 5L/5R in 4m50s 2650lbs moved
14410lbs moved in 41m13s
Keep in mind, all these movements tested well, and I performed them until A. I didn't feel like it anymore, or B. They stopped testing well. Only in one instance was it B. Also, I stopped doing movements if they started to slow, or I started using excess tension. Whereas, I could potentially hit four reps with the 88lb (40kg) bell if I used high tension, I did not. The first sign of more effort than I had been expending, I terminated the set. I might have been able to hit a 415lb max deadlift, but I do not think I would have done it as safely as I did the 410lb deadlift because I would have tensed up more.
A good barometer for this is to think of each movement as effortless. Each one should feel good, and they moment they do not, you end your set. I did all the heavy pulls without facial contortions and what have you, and feel better for it. Same goes for my pressing, which you can see the volume and intensity of has risen, despite not using super high tension techniques.
For my kettlebell swings and snatches I adopted what is, for me but not kettlebell atheletes, new breathing pattern wherein on the downswing of a snatch or swing I exhale as opposed to exhaling on the top--we call exhaling on the downswing "anatomical breathing," and exhaling at the top "biomechanical breathing." Anatomical breathing allows for more work to be done while saving energy.
Notice Valery Fedorenko's exhalation on the way down. This is anatomical breathing. This, and other different techniques I am experimenting with are helping me snatch more with less effort, and I still have a lot to learn regarding that lift.
Other than that, I like testing movements to see if they work, and I can see the progress in this log and on every workout. I also feel better after workouts than I did, and even then I felt pretty swell. But it's only a week, let's see how it all goes in the future.
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Tis the season to be Merry. |
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